DELETE FROM t_SystemProfile WHERE FKey='unPosKey'
INSERT INTO t_SystemProfile (FCategory, FKey, FValue, FReadonly, FDescription, FLevel, FExplanation, FFormat, FSort, FDescription_cht, FDescription_en)
VALUES ('General', 'unPosKey', '1', 0, '', ' ', ' ', '', 1, '', '')
UPDATE t_objectaccesstype SET FObjectID=0 WHERE FObjectType=4 AND FObjectID=-1 AND fname='反过账'
DELETE FROM t_SystemProfile WHERE FKey='unPosKey'
INSERT INTO t_SystemProfile (FCategory, FKey, FValue, FReadonly, FDescription, FLevel, FExplanation, FFormat, FSort, FDescription_cht, FDescription_en)
VALUES ('General', 'unPosKey', '1', 0, '', ' ', ' ', '', 1, '', '')
UPDATE t_objectaccesstype SET FObjectID=0 WHERE FObjectType=4 AND FObjectID=-1 AND fname='反过账'
if not exists(select 1 from t_SystemProfile where FCategory='General' and FKey ='unPosKey')
insert t_SystemProfile(FCategory,FKey,FValue,FReadonly,FDescription,FLevel) values('General','unPosKey','On',0,'允许反过账',1)
if not exists(select 1 from t_SystemProfile where FCategory='GL' and FKey ='NewVchUseNumberVisible')
insert t_SystemProfile(FCategory,FKey,FValue,FReadonly,FDescription,FLevel) values('GL','NewVchUseNumberVisible',0,0,'新增凭证自动填补断号可见性',1)
if not exists(select 1 from t_SystemProfile where FCategory='General' and FKey ='ClearLogToolVisible')
insert t_SystemProfile(FCategory,FKey,FValue,FReadonly,FDescription,FLevel) values('General','ClearLogToolVisible',0,0,'删除日志功能可见性',1)
update t_SystemProfile set FValue = 'On' where FCategory='General' and FKey='unPosKey'
update t_SystemProfile set FValue = 1 where FCategory='GL' and FKey='NewVchUseNumber'
update t_SystemProfile set FValue = 1 where FCategory='GL' and FKey ='NewVchUseNumberVisible'
update t_SystemProfile set FValue = 1 where FCategory='General' and FKey ='ClearLogToolVisible'