- git clone GitHub - angusmcleod/discourse-header-search: A Discourse plugin that makes the search bar visible in the header GitHub - angusmcleod/discourse-header-search: A Discourse plugin that makes the search bar visible in the header 评级插件
- git clone GitHub - paviliondev/discourse-ratings: A Discourse plugin that lets you use topics to rate things GitHub - paviliondev/discourse-ratings: A Discourse plugin that lets you use topics to rate things 缩略图插件
- git clone GitHub - paviliondev/discourse-topic-previews-sidecar: A Discourse plugin that complements the Topic Previews Theme Component to add features GitHub - paviliondev/discourse-topic-previews-sidecar: A Discourse plugin that complements the Topic Previews Theme Component to add features 解决问题插件
- git clone GitHub - discourse/discourse-solved: Allow accepted answers on topics GitHub - discourse/discourse-solved: Allow accepted answers on topics Discourse BBCode color
- git clone GitHub - discourse/discourse-bbcode-color: A Discourse Plugin to support BBCode color tags. GitHub - discourse/discourse-bbcode-color: A Discourse Plugin to support BBCode color tags. 电报
- git clone GitHub - davidtaylorhq/discourse-telegram-notifications: A plugin for Discourse which allows users to receive their notifications by telegram message
- git clone GitHub - discourse/discourse-spoiler-alert: A plugin for discourse to hide spoilers behind the spoiler-alert jQuery plugin GitHub - davidtaylorhq/discourse-telegram-notifications: A plugin for Discourse which allows users to receive their notifications by telegram message GitHub - discourse/discourse-spoiler-alert: A plugin for discourse to hide spoilers behind the spoiler-alert jQuery plugin chrome推送通知
- git clone GitHub - discourse/discourse-push-notifications: Plugin for integrating Chrome and FireFox push notifications GitHub - discourse/discourse-push-notifications: Plugin for integrating Chrome and FireFox push notifications 文本格式增加选项:下划线,颜色,浮点(见屏幕),中心,对齐对齐。
- git clone GitHub - MonDiscourse/discourse-formatting-toolbar: Add formatting options on your post (center, align to right, justify a text, etc.) GitHub - MonDiscourse/discourse-formatting-toolbar: Add formatting options on your post (center, align to right, justify a text, etc.)